A Brief Review for E- Commerce and the Critical Success Factors


  • Miraç AYDIN Marmara University, Industrial Engineering Department, Ziverbey Campus, Kadikoy-Istanbul, TURKEY
  • Mustafa Batuhan AYHAN Marmara University, Industrial Engineering Department, Ziverbey Campus, Kadikoy-Istanbul, TURKEY




Along with the rapid development of information technologies, traditional trade has moved to electronic area. Today, many business activities are performed in electronic environment. Since electronic commerce is rapid and easily reachable, it has begun to attract much more attention by consumers and businesses over time. In this study, a brief review about e-commerce is provided. The main aim is to examine the hot topic of e-commerce with different aspects. The increasing importance of e-commerce is presented by providing statistical support which shows a dramatic increase in total e-commerce sales worldwide. Tools, types, payment methods, and critical success factors of e-commerce are investigated. Eight different tools which can be used in e-commerce are explained. Seven types of e-commerce are classified. In addition, nine payment methods of e-commerce are elaborated. Moreover, three main critical success factors including eight sub-factors are structured in a hierarchical form to aid the companies in e-commerce. Depending on these critical success factors, this study aims to set a well-organized base in order to decide the best e-commerce company in further studies.


Electronic Commerce, Tools of E-Commerce, Payment Methods of E-Commerce, Classifications of E-Commerce, Customer Satisfaction, Critical Success Factors


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