Study, Analysis and Comparison between Amazon A10 and A11 Search Algorithm


  • Subhradeep Maitra Department of Computer and Information Science, Raiganj University, Raiganj, 733134, India
  • Laxminarayan Sahoo

    Department of Computer and Information Science, Raiganj University, Raiganj, 733134, India

  • Kalishankar Tiwary Department of Mathematics, Raiganj University, Raiganj, 733134, India



The entirety of Amazon's sales being powered by Amazon Search, one of the leading e-commerce platforms around the globe. As a result, even slight boosts in appropriateness can have a major impact on profits as well as the shopping experience of millions of users. Throughout the beginning, Amazon's product search engine was made up of a number of manually adjusted ranking processes that made use of a limited number of input features. Since that time, a significant amount has transpired. Many people overlook the fact that Amazon is a search engine, and even the biggest one for e-commerce. It is indeed time to begin treating Amazon truly as the top e-commerce search engine across the globe because it currently serves 54% of all product queries. In this paper, the authors have considered two most important Amazon search engine algorithms viz. A10 and A11 and comparative study has been discussed.


Amazon business, Algorithm, Page rank, Visibility, Search engine algorithm, E-commerce


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How to Cite

Maitra, S., Sahoo, L., & Tiwary, K. (2022). Study, Analysis and Comparison between Amazon A10 and A11 Search Algorithm. Journal of Computer Science Research, 4(4), 1–6.


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