Applying Project Based Learning to Flipped Bloom Taxonomy for Deep Understanding in Control Systems


  • Gbenga Bankole Folayan Department of Electrical Electronic Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti
  • Ibrahim Ademiloye Department of Electrical Electronic Engineering The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti



The peculiar nature of control theory as a course that cut across a lot of major engineering disciplines calls for a look into how its learning can best be done without students feeling like they are wasting their time. This paper takes a look at control theory as subject cut across various engineering field and has a wide background that students must really be comfortable with. Its wide application and background pose a huge challenge to the teaching of control. It goes further to look into traditional method of teaching, Project - Based Learning Blooms Taxonomy. It then proposes applying Flipped Bloom Taxonomy to Project -based learning for a deep understanding of control systems. .


Engineering Education;Flipped Bloom Taxonomy;Control Sytems;Project Based Learning


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How to Cite

Folayan, G. B., & Ademiloye, I. (2020). Applying Project Based Learning to Flipped Bloom Taxonomy for Deep Understanding in Control Systems. Journal of Electronic & Information Systems, 2(1), 13–17.


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