Road Network Analysis with GIS and GRASS-GIS: A Probabilistic Approach


  • Giuseppe Caristi Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy
  • Roberto Guarneri Department of Economics, University of Messina, Italy
  • Sabrin Lo Bosco Pegaso Telematic University, Italy



In this paper we show how it can be useful to the probability of intersections in the determination of a classification rule for raster conversions in Geographical Information System (GIS) and GRASS GIS for the Road Network Analysis (RNA). We use a geometric probabilities approach for irregular path considering these results for transportation planning operations. We study two particular problems with irregular tessellations, in order to have a situation more realistic respect to map GIS and considering also the maximum value of probability to narrow the range of possible probability values.


Road network analysis, GIS, GRASS GIS, Probabilistic approach, Irregular tessellation


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How to Cite

Caristi, G., Guarneri, R., & Lo Bosco, S. (2021). Road Network Analysis with GIS and GRASS-GIS: A Probabilistic Approach. Journal of Geographical Research, 4(4), 48–52.


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